Emergency Dentistry: What Are The Most Common Emergencies?

Accidents can happen at any time – and we can say that they are a part of life. Many of you might find yourself in situations where your oral cavity or teeth get injured in one way or another. Whether it resulted because of an accident or you became a victim of a physical fight with someone that resulted in tooth loss. Such scenarios are an emergency that requires immediate Emergency Dentistry.
If you are thinking that brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing can prevent these emergencies, that’s not the case. Want to know when you need might emergency dental care so that you visit a dental clinic timely? In this blog, we have covered the common situations that are considered an emergency by dentists at Dental Aesthetics. Keep on reading!

No doubt, taking care of your teeth can save you from a lot of dental problems. However, some instances call for getting Emergency Dentistry Services immediately. Even studies show that the work routine and daily life get severely affected if a person is facing dental issues. Unfortunately, not many people are aware If their case is a dental emergency or not, leading to them delaying a visit to the dentist. In the worst case, this leads to more pain and even more expenses. Hence, to be on the safer side and maintain good dental health, rush to Dentists Smile in these situations:
There can be many different causes behind a cracked tooth or two. Sometimes, you might have tried biting something very hard like bones, nuts, or ice. Some people also grind their teeth at night which puts pressure on the teeth. In both cases, the teeth can crack. In fact, people who have reached the age of 50 have naturally weak teeth. Regardless of the reason behind the cracked teeth, you need to go for a proper Emergency Dentistry treatment. In an emergency, if you cannot reach the dentist immediately, put an ice pack on the swollen area or take pain medications for reducing discomfort.

One of the common dental emergencies is caused by trauma that often leads to the loss of a tooth. Mostly caused by accidents, trauma can lead to bleeding and tooth dislocation. However, the dislocated tooth can still be saved – but timeliness is the KEY. If your tooth is dislocated, head over to Dental Aesthetics. One of our Emergency dentists will carry out a thorough dental assessment and do their best to save your teeth. Even if the tooth cannot be saved, they will treat the pain and stop the bleeding.
Several dental problems can cause extreme toothache – that can go on for hours to days and even weeks. Sometimes, swelling of the gums is also the reason behind discomfort and pain. It often leads to painful biting and chewing. In addition, inflammation of the wisdom tooth can also cause too much pain. If you experience any of these situations, know that they require an Emergency Dentist Appointment. Expect that during the appointment, the dentist will examine your teeth and then give a medication for pain. Afterward, they will explain to you the condition and treatment options available.

Losing dental fillings is also a case of emergency as it can cause inflammation and severe pain. Commonly, inflammation happens when bacteria infect the tooth tissue that is exposed. Hence, if you lose your dental fillings, visit us at Dental Aesthetics to get Emergency Dentistry in Lahore treatment. Our dentists will work on your infection, remove the decay, and give your teeth new dental fillings.
Do you wear a dental crown on your team? If your answer is a YES, then be aware that in case it comes off, you need an Emergency Dentistry expert right away. However, until you don’t reach the dentist at Dental Aesthetics, use Vaseline for putting the crown back on your teeth temporarily. Once you are at our dental clinic, the dentist will assess your teeth and provide you with a replacement crown that would last for many years.
Now that you are familiar with the common cases of a dental emergency, it is time for you to book an appointment with a dentist at Dental Aesthetics. Whether you need Emergency Tooth Extraction, a new filling, or any other dental treatment, we will take care of your emergency dental case.