Lately, the High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment (HIFU) has got very popular for every positive reason. It is a non-invasive skin tightening treatment that can give you wrinkle-free and younger-looking skin without any pain and recovery time. Have you decided to get the Best HIFU Face Treatment? Before you undergo it at Dental Aesthetics, let us take you through the details of what actually happens during its procedure and the benefits you will experience.
HIFU Treatment – What Happens During It?
During the treatment procedure, we use ultrasound technology to generate heat and penetrate it inside the skin, which damages the skin cells that are targeted. Thus, prompting the body to repair the cells that are damaged and bringing out firmer and younger skin. Putting its effort into doing so, the body produces collagen that promotes cell regrowth. This way, the skin gets a basis to structure more elasticity from the collagen. Overall, the HIFU helps to:
- Tighten the skin of the neck
- Reduce the jowls
- Lift the dropping eyebrow and eyelids skin
- Smoothen the wrinkles on the face
- Define the jawline
- Tighten the overall skin collagen

What Are The Benefits Of Getting The HIFU Treatment?
Many people wonder – what skincare products do I need for firming the skin? Well, opting for the HIFU treatment we provide at Dental Aesthetics is the solution. If you are about to undergo the treatment for the first time, let us convince you more with a list of its benefits covered below.
1. Non-Invasive Treatment
One of the biggest advantages of undergoing the Best HIFU Face Treatment is its non-invasiveness. Normally, the cosmetic treatments people undergo involve going under the needles and much more – which is quite painful. However, this one is completely pain-free, safe, and involves no risk of any kind.
2. No Recovery Period
The patients that undergo the treatment at our clinic give a HIFU Treatment Review that it is a completely non-invasive procedure. To be precise, this means that post-treatment, there is no sort of recovery or downtime period. Unlike other treatment procedures that demand a recovery period of weeks, after the HIFU treatment, you can continue the daily routine. Another plus point? YES!

3. Cost-Effective Process
Despite being a process that involves the use of technology, the Cost of HIFU Treatment in Pakistan is reasonably affordable. Hence, even if you are on a budget, get the treatment without thinking much about the cost – because the results are worth it.
4. Low-Risk
Since the Best HIFU Face Treatment we provide at Dental Aesthetics is non-invasive, there is no risk involved during and after the treatment. On the other hand, in invasive procedures like facelifts and others, a high-risk factor is involved. While post-getting HIFU, the only thing the patients experience is mild swelling and redness, which subsides away in some hours.
5. Lasting Results
Last but most important, the HIFU treatment carries the title of having a high efficacy rate and long-lasting effect. Every patient of ours expresses their satisfaction post getting the HIFU treatments – thanks to the longevity of its effects. Normally, when they last for more than six months to a year, which is quite convincing.

Are The HIFU Treatment Results Same For Everyone?
The results of HIFU treatment depend on the skin type of the patient. Initially, some of them see a slow result. However, as months pass by, the positive results start showing up on the skin. Dr. Shahzad Mirza from Dental Aesthetics advises patients to not worry about the results, as they keep progressing until four to six months after undergoing the treatment.
Normally, patients start experiencing a positive improvement in the elasticity of their skin right from the first week – which increases after every week. Their laughing lines, wrinkles, the sagging skin disappears, collagen starts performing at its BEST and they get young skin once again.
Does The HIFU Treatment Have Any Side Effects?
On the day of the treatment and a day after it, the patients often experience soreness, swelling, and redness on their faces. However, because the procedure is one kind of workout for the collagen in your skin, these effects are minor and subside away in a few days.
Since the rays of ultrasound technology are focused on the tissues and cells below the surface of the skin, experiencing such slight after-effects is normal. Though trust us, after they go away, the results will be worth flaunting your younger-looking skin that appears after the ageing clock is turned back. Probably, the only effect you would be seeing is your youth returning – which is a dream come true.
Book Appointment For HIFU Treatment TODAY!
Wondering what do you need in a skincare routine that tightens and lifts your sagging skin? Say no to creams and serums that promise to do so and undergo the HIFU treatment. It is the BEST alternative to fillers and facelifts. To get the treatment, book your appointment with us at Dental Aesthetics. We will first provide you consultation and then begin the procedure right away.