Everything You Need To Know About The Best Root planning In Lahore Pakistan

 Everything You Need To Know About The Best Root planning In Lahore Pakistan

If you are suffering a gum disease, the Best Root planning In Lahore Pakistan is your treatment option. It is a dental treatment we provide at Dental Aesthetics to deep clean a patient’s teeth down to the roots and the gum line. Once you undergo the treatment, your oral health will get back on the right track. But before booking an appointment with us for the treatment, it is better to know about its procedure and benefits. Keep on reading the blog, as we have everything you would need to know about it right here!

What Is Root planning?

Root planning is a dental procedure that works effectively when we treat mild to moderate gum diseases – especially when they lead to pockets between teeth and gums. These pockets are dangerous for oral health because they allow tartar and plaque to build up in between and eventually reach the roots of the teeth. In the worst case, when it reaches a root, the gum line becomes vulnerable to decay, infection, and tooth loss. Therefore, the option to healthier teeth is getting the Best Root planning in Lahore Pakistan treatment.

At Dental Aesthetics, we start the root planning procedure by numbing the patient’s gums to ensure comfort. Once they are numb, we use dental scrapping tools to gently remove the calcified plaque and tartar from around the teeth – below and above the gum line. To remove larger build-ups, we use an ultrasonic tool, while a metal scrapping tool is used for giving teeth a final and detailed cleaning.

Moreover, after the build-up is removed, we use a water irrigation system to wash it away and a suction tool to remove the water. In case large pockets have developed, we may place antibiotic fibers to prevent infections as the gums heal and pockets close. After about a week, we then remove those fibers and voilà – a healthy smile all set to flaunt.

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Root planning Treatment?

For people who suffer from gum disease, the Best Dental Root planning Services we offer at Dental Aesthetics offer many benefits that improve oral health. Many of those gum diseases lead to major dental problems if preventive measures are not taken. Thus, increasing the need for undergoing more costly dental treatments. Some of the many dental problems the treatment prevents from include:

·  Gum Disease

Root planning is highly effective for treating gum diseases as it helps get them back on track and fills the pockets between them.

·  Tooth Loss

The large pockets between the gums and teeth, infections, and decay around tooth roots, all can lead to tooth loss. With root planning, you can stop these problems before you lose a tooth.

·   Root Protection

Plaque and tartar build-up around the teeth and below the gum line harm the tooth roots and cause teeth to fall out. However, with the Best Root planning in Lahore Pakistan treatment, you can protect the tooth roots and maintain a perfect smile.

·   Bad Breath

Gum diseases and other dental problems like tooth decay and gingivitis usually cause chronic bad breath, which is quite embarrassing. By treating all those gum diseases and getting rid of the plaque build-up with root scaling, the bad breath can be improved.

Root planning Treatment Aftercare

Mild pain and discomfort are normal following the root planning treatment. However, it should lessen in just a few days – be it a slight tenderness or aches. Moreover, post-treatment, your teeth will become sensitive to extreme temperature and sweet foods. Hence, stick to warm drinks and meals until the sensitivity is reduced.

In case the root planning was extensive, the patient feels mild pain while chewing food such as fruits and meat. As soon as the numbness and pain wear off, patients can resume their regular diet. Other than that, here are some aftercare tips to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment:

·  Pain And Sensitivity

If anesthesia is used during the treatment, we suggest patients to avoid the intake of hard foods to prevent any injury. Also, to relieve the discomfort, a non-aspirin analgesic can be taken. Though if tooth sensitivity exists, using a desensitizing toothpaste helps.

·  Oral Hygiene

Usually, after the treatment, the gum tissues get inflamed. Hence, to make them feel normal once again, brush their teeth gently and thoroughly twice a day. A normal oral hygiene routine can be started after three or four days. However, limiting the use of antibacterial mouthwashes should further be limited to every one or two weeks.

·   At-Home Care

Patients can speed up the recovery process by rinsing the mouth twice or thrice a day with a warm saline rinse – a solution or salt and water. Swish it in your mouth for a few seconds after every meal and see the wonders it does for recovery post-treatment.

Want To Find Out If You Are The Treatment Candidate?

People who suffer from mild gum diseases are a good candidate for the Best Dental Root planning Services in DHA provided at Dental Aesthetics. To find out if you are the treatment candidate, book your consultation with Dr. Shahzad or visit the dental clinic TODAY!



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