How Long Does The Dental Implants Pakistan Process Take?

 How Long Does The Dental Implants Pakistan Process Take?

Dental Implants are one of the most popular choices for patients looking to get their missing teeth replaced. They offer many benefits over other dental treatment procedures, including durability and stability. However, if you are considering getting Dental Implants Pakistan, you need to understand the whole procedure. We provide this cosmetic treatment at Dental Aesthetics and have hence covered each step of the process in detail right here. Give it a read!


Whether you have lost one tooth or even more to an accident, tooth decay, or any other dental problem. Teeth Implants are the BEST treatment to get them restored. However, because every case is different, the experience and treatment procedure vary. Though normally, you can expect the following steps while undergoing cosmetic dental treatment:


The initial step of the dental implant procedure is the initial consultation. During the consultation, one of our dentists will examine your teeth and mouth along with taking X-rays for determining if you are an ideal candidate for the treatment.

Sometimes, they also take a CBC scan – a type of X-ray that gives a more detailed view into the bones of the mouth. As well as the soft tissues and nerves. Once the dentist examines the mouth and the X-rays are ready. Your treatment goals will be discussed to develop a tailored plan according to your needs. Usually, this initial consultation takes around an hour.



In some cases, the patients are required to undergo the bone augmentation procedure before actually getting the Dental Implants in Lahore Pakistan. Normally, this is the case when a patient does not have enough bone density in their jaw to properly support the implant placement.

As many patients lose their bone mass because of missing teeth or age factors, this is fairly a common requirement. Many types of procedures can be used for adding bone to the jaw and the dentists at Dental Aesthetics will determine which one is right for you. Generally, the time required for bone augmentation depends on the procedure used, as well as how quickly the body generates a new bone.


Once there is enough bone in the patient’s jaw, we move on to the dental implant surgery. It is a fairly direct procedure in which a dentist places the Dental Implants Pakistan into the jawbone. Usually, the surgery takes only an hour, though it may be longer or even shorter depending on how many implants are being placed.

In some cases, patients have to get a tooth or two extracted before the implant placement. This happens when they are getting dental implants for replacing teeth that are extremely damaged or decayed. Overall, the extraction process adds only some minutes to the total procedure time and is carried out with the placement of implants as a single procedure.



After the patient has undergone the dental implant surgery, we allow their mouth to heath. Normally, you can expect the incision area and its surrounding areas to heal in almost 1 to 2 weeks. However, this is only one part of the overall recovery process.

To get fully functional, the implants have to osseointegrate or simply fuse with the surrounding jawbone. This often takes weeks to months as it requires new bone growth around the dental implant. During this time, the Best Dentists recommend not putting any stress on the implants. Once the mouth has healed, we then move to the next step of the procedure.


The final step in the process of getting dental implants is permanent restoration using a denture, bridge, or dental crown. However, the type of restoration a patient can choose depends on the personal preferences and implants being placed. Overall, the time required for this step varies, depending on the type of restoration that a patient chooses.

To place the permanent restoration, the Best Dentist in Lahore will first take digital scans of your mouth or dental impressions. They are sent to the dental lab for fabricating permanent restorations. Around 1-2 weeks prior to your final appointment, the dentist will also attach abutments to your dental implants and place a temporary restoration or healing collar. It will be removed and replaced with a permanent restoration during the final appointment.


In the blog, we have discussed everything you need to know about the Dental Implants Pakistan process in detail. Summarizing it all, the process is divided into five sections: initial consultation, bone augmentation, dental implant surgery, recovery period, and permanent restoration.

You have understood it all and know what to actually expect at every stage of the Cosmetic Dentistry treatment? Undergo it NOW to get your missing teeth restored. Although the treatment procedure is fairly involved and the experience of every patient varies a bit, the benefits are worth paying the Dental Implants Cost in Pakistan.

If you have any more questions about the procedure or simply want to undergo the treatment, visit us at Dental Aesthetics – a Dental Hospital in Lahore. Our dentists will provide you with detailed information and help you make the BEST decision for your smile!



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