How to Get a Picture-Perfect Smile on Your Wedding Day

How to Get a Picture-Perfect Smile on Your Wedding Day

The wedding dress, location, reception, food, flowers, cake, groom, hair, nails, gifts, invites, beverages, guest book, accommodations, décor, color scheme, wedding date, bridesmaids, dresses, fittings for the wedding gown, and photographer are all included. You can now relax and await the big day.
Hold on! You are forgetting something! You have overlooked something really, really crucial—your wedding smile.
Don’t panic! We are sure there is still time to do something.
Let’s see what are your options:

One Year Till the Wedding Day:

You have a lot of time to get things done.
In order to avoid hiding your smile in wedding photos, there are several options available for straightening your teeth, including veneers, dental implants to replace missing front teeth, laser teeth whitening, composite bonding to fill in gaps, and new fillings in the front teeth to cover up discolored ones.


Six Months Till the Wedding:

Whoa! Everything listed above is still possible! Your smile can be fixed in six months or less with the use of transparent aligners or brand-new, stylish short-term braces.

Three months till the wedding:

Well, it becomes a little more difficult.
But you might still obtain everything mentioned above. Even though an implant crown may just be a temporary replacement, it's still better than a denture or missing tooth. Want to straighten your teeth? That one is difficult, but if your teeth just require small adjustments, you might be able to make it in time. In order to finish the therapy, you can also discuss with your dentist dental aesthetics, taking out your braces for the wedding, and then putting them back on. Although not perfect your teeth will undoubtedly look better than they did before.


One Month till the Wedding:

OK, now you go only one month, so forget about implants and teeth straightening, but you can still have veneers, laser teeth whitening, contouring, bonding to fill in gaps, replacing fillings, scaling and polishing your teeth, and air polishing.

Two Weeks Till the Wedding:

You will not be able to pull this off with porcelain veneers unless it is one or a maximum of two veneers; but, if you are happy with immediate veneers, it is possible and you still have time for the additional treatments.

One Week Before the Wedding:

Is there not much time left? Are you experiencing panic? Okay, don't worry, there is still time to take action. You can now be saved by laser teeth whitening and instant veneers! If you want results right away, you should definitely get power whitening, but even with custom whitening trays at home, your teeth will look a lot whiter than they do now. Additionally, filling replacements, cosmetic bonding, and contouring are available.

One day before the Wedding:

The wedding is in one day and you're starting to get pretty anxious! Your teeth are discolored, uneven, crooked, and somewhat yellow in color. A couple of the edges are chipped. If you want to give them a new look and eliminate any existing staining, you can still obtain a scale, polish, or air polish. Maybe you could even do some rapid tooth whitening using laser teeth whitening.
However, in case it's not feasible, here is some emergency advice.


Tips to Fix Your Smile in an Emergency:

To make your teeth look their best, select your best angle and practice in front of the mirror. Tilting your head might help conceal uneven or crooked teeth. People will notice the color of whiter teeth before they see their straightness, drawing attention away from crooked teeth.
Apply lipsticks with blue undertones to give the appearance of whiter teeth. Avoid any tints of coral, peach, orange, or brown as they will absorb the yellow tones from the teeth and appear much darker. Consider using red or pink.
Apply shimmery or shiny lipstick. It will reflect light, giving the appearance of brighter teeth. Long-wearing matte, thick lipsticks tend to make your teeth look darker. Before taking a picture, lick your teeth or have a glass of water; this will improve the way light reflects off their surface and make them look brighter.
Make sure that your lips are not chapped. Dry lips will draw attention to the teeth rather than the entire face. The night before, exfoliate your lips, apply a thick balm, and sleep with it on. Use an electric toothbrush if you don't have any exfoliating cream. Applying bronzer right will make your teeth appear whiter. Wear it!


I hope you are no longer panicking and that you now realize there is always something you can do to achieve that flawless, picture-perfect white smile on your wedding day!
Congrats on your big day from the Dental Aesthetics, team and have a great day!
Keep smiling! Today is your day!



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