The Teeth Whitening Procedure

 The Teeth Whitening Procedure

Everything You Need To Know About The Teeth Whitening Procedure

In the past few years, Teeth Whitening has become a go-to option for people who want their smile to look bright and better in no time – without spending a fortune. The increase in confidence and self-esteem a bright white smile can give is invaluable. Patients who got their teeth whitened at Dental Aesthetics state that it has played a significant role in their life. Are you thinking about getting your teeth whitened? Well then, you might have a long list of questions regarding the Teeth Whitening Procedure that needs answering.

If we think about it, there is nothing more pleasant and heart-warming than a beautiful smile as it symbolises healthy human interaction and social communication. Makes sense why people in Pakistan are getting the Best Teeth Whitening Service to improve their smile? Let’s get into the details of the procedure then! 

What Is Teeth Whitening?

In simpler words, the Teeth Whitening Procedure involves taking measures that lighten the teeth colour. At Dental Aesthetics, we either lighten the teeth shade of the patient by chemical Teeth Whitening or control the other dental issues that are causing stains.

For instance, if patients with crooked teeth come to us for Teeth Whitening, we advise them to get braces first. As we all know, it is hard to brush and floss crooked teeth, this can cause stains too. So in such cases, the best option is to get the teeth aligned, rather than just getting them whitened.

Considering it all, we prefer having a consultation session with every patient before starting the treatment to know if Teeth Whitening is their option. And if it is, we diagnose the intensity of their teeth discoloration to plan out an effective procedure. Also, not to forget, for those who undergo the procedure, the results can vary. But generally, the improvement in teeth shade of every patient is great enough for them to notice instantly.

The Causes Of Teeth Discolouration

One of the major causes of teeth discoloration is age, as there are many common activities that we carry out regularly that contribute to our teeth becoming more discolored. And generally, we all tend to ignore all these activities. You will be amazed if we told you which things have majorly affected your teeth color over time. Here we have listed just a few of them:

  • Overdosing on tea and coffee, which we are all guilty of, because after all, our day does not begin without sipping on a hot cup of tea or coffee.
  • Drinking dark-coloured beverages – Yes, we are talking about the favourite of every household in Pakistan, the carbonated drinks.
  • Eating dark-coloured fruits like strawberries and blueberries.
  • Smoking

Who Can Get Teeth Whitened?

Almost everyone whose natural teeth are in good condition is an ideal candidate for Teeth Whitening. However, at Dental Aesthetics, we prefer checking if the patient has any other dental issues before starting the Teeth Whitening Procedure.

For instance, if the patient has a history of any periodontal disease or sensitive teeth, we avoid using chemical whitening techniques that can irritate his /her gums. Moreover, if the patient has fillings, crowns, or bonding on the front teeth, we skip bleaching the teeth. Why? Because these materials will not change colour once bleached and will stand out between your other white teeth. And we know, this is not the result any patient wants after paying the Teeth Whitening Price.

Normally, these conditions tend to affect a few people in Pakistan. So if you dream of a whiter smile, there should not be any major issues standing in your way other than these.

On the whole, Teeth Whitening is a dental treatment that tends to be a viable solution for every other person in Pakistan. Hence, chances are, this is the treatment for you too – to achieve a whiter smile that you dream of. And above all, the Teeth Whitening Cost in Lahore is also very affordable, which makes it more of a go-to treatment.

Book Your Consultation With Us!

Teeth Whitening is a very safe treatment if done correctly by professionals. Yet, you must have heard about at-home whitening kits and thought – I can whiten my teeth at home. But unfortunately, using these kits is not always safe. A little over-use of the whitening gel can damage your teeth.

Hence, it is best suggested by dentists from around the world to avoid whitening teeth on your own with at-home whitening kits. Take the safer way – book with us for a consultation. One of our dentists at Dental Aesthetics will assess your oral health to let you know if you can proceed with a Teeth Whitening Treatment. And once they are sure that you are an ideal candidate, they will start the treatment to give you that perfect pearly white smile you dream of.

Though before everything else, if you want to know the Teeth Whitening Cost in Pakistan, give us a call or visit our clinic in DHA, Lahore TODAY!



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