What Are The Types Of Braces You Have Not Heard ?

 What Are The Types Of Braces You Have Not Heard ?

Hearing the word ‘Braces’, the only thing that would come to mind is large metal brackets attached with wires and lots of pain. However, the truth is that the technology for straightening teeth has significantly improved. Now and there are many Types Of Braces that one can get. In fact, you must have not even seen or noticed someone wearing very visible braces – yes, that’s how much dentistry has evolved.

Did you always avoid the idea of getting your misaligned and crooked teeth straightened? Because of the pain and inconvenience that comes with traditional braces? Well now, Dental Aesthetics has you sorted with orthodontic treatment options. Keep on reading the blog to find out which options you have to get the smile you always dreamt of.

4 Types Of Braces That Deliver Perfectly Aligned Smiles

Only some of us are lucky enough to be born with teeth that are aligned and an oh-so-beautiful smile. Thanks to the orthodontic treatments that we provide at Dental Aesthetics, a huge difference can be made to your smile.  Whether it is Braces for Adults or kids, our orthodontic experts have a treatment option for everyone. To correct particular problems in a patient’s smile, we consider the following kind of braces:


Also known as clear braces, Aligners have become a widely popular orthodontic treatment option for those who want to get straighter teeth – unnoticeably. The procedure to get Invisible Braces is pretty simple. The first step you would have to take is to book an appointment with an orthodontist at Dental Aesthetics and talk about your options. Not every patient is a good candidate for this treatment option.  

Once the orthodontist recommends getting Invisalign Braces to a patient, a mold of their teeth is made and sent to the laboratory for creating a customized set. It will fit the shape of your teeth, and a new set will be created as you progress through the procedure. Watch your teeth magically shift into an aligned shape – while the Aligners remain unnoticed. Just remove them temporarily when you want to eat something or brush your teeth.



Before clear braces made their way into cosmetic dentistry, Ceramic Braces were one of the Types Of Braces that orthodontists recommended. Their brackets are the same color as the patient’s teeth, and the wires are also teeth-colored to give that invisible look. We still offer this option to our patients at Dental Aesthetics, but they are a bit expensive compared to Metal Braces and clear braces and do not deliver the same results. Hence, it is the least popular option.


Attached to the back of the teeth instead of the front, lingual braces are still a type of Lingual Braces. The difference? They are less noticeable when a person smiles, as they are not attached to the front of the teeth. Although effective like traditional metal braces, there are a few drawbacks to getting these braces. They make cleaning teeth difficult, and many patients report that they feel difficult to speak clearly at first, after getting lingual braces. Given these reasons, we often prefer other Types of Braces over lingual braces to give our patients an aligned smile.



These braces are a great option for those patients who cannot get the Clear Braces but do not even want to bear the pain and discomfort of Traditional Braces. Getting self-ligating braces is the ideal option for such patients. They use a wire and bracket system with clips, not a complete rubber band system. Although it comes in both – metal and ceramic, the latter option is less noticeable. Moreover, these braces do not hold on to food particles, are convenient to place, and are easy to clean.


With different orthodontic treatment options out there, deciding which one is the best for you is confusing. There are many aspects that we consider at Dental Aesthetics when choosing between the Types of Braces for a patient.

Not every patient is a candidate for lingual braces, Metal Braces, or any of their alternatives. Only an orthodontist at our dental clinic in Lahore can recommend which braces will work in your case. In addition, convenience is also another factor that can affect the decision. Simply put, it depends on the severity of your misaligned teeth and how quickly you want to achieve a perfect smile. All in all, when searching for Braces Near Me’ it is better to consult with our orthodontist first. They will provide you with a better option – considering your smile goals, oral health, and the severity of misalignment.

Talk To Our Orthodontist Today  

Deciding on getting Teeth Braces is a big decision in itself, so why not let the specialists make an informed decision about which braces type is your option? Bring your concerns to our orthodontists at Dental Aesthetics and they will discuss everything in detail with you – even the Braces Cost in Pakistan. Ask them about the best braces option that can help you achieve your smile goals. Rest assured, Dr. Shahzad Mirza and his team of dentists will use their experience in dentistry and up-to-date technology to give you a beautiful smile. Contact us TODAY to schedule a consultation.



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