When And Why Do People Need To Get Dental Braces?

 When And Why Do People Need To Get Dental Braces?

Do you always smile by closing your lips or covering your mouth with your hand when laughing? Well, anyone can have misaligned and crooked teeth. Seeing an orthodontist at Dental Aesthetics and getting them fixed with Dental Braces is an ideal option for you if they are a source of embarrassment or pain. The treatment will straighten your misaligned teeth, fix the issues in biting, and improve the way your smile appears. Best of all, it will give you results that last for a lifetime. However, if you are still unsure about getting the treatment, we have some reasons covered here that might help you make a decision. Read on!

5 Reasons Why You Might Need Braces

Generally, we recommend getting braces to those patients who want to enhance their facial experience. By getting an Orthodontic Treatment, you can correct the concerns such as underbites, crowded teeth, incorrect jaw position, jaw joint disorders, and crooked teeth. If you leave all such issues untreated, they might result in gum diseases, constant headaches, tooth decay, earache, and biting or chewing problems. To point out, the following are the reasons why one can need braces:


1. Overbite

Do the bottom teeth sometimes bite on the roof of your mouth or disappear completely when you bite something? There is a possibility of you suffering from an overbite. If you leave it untreated, the overbite will damage the front teeth and gum tissues. Regardless of what your age is, the orthodontists at our dental clinic can fix the overbite and improve your smile’s appearance with Dental Braces. However, know that treating overbites of children is much easier because their jaws are still growing – making them easy to fix.

2. Underbite

If your lower teeth are overlapping the teeth at the top front when smiling, then you are suffering from an underbite which the orthodontists at Dental Aesthetics can treat. Underbites especially cause damage when you are talking or eating and increase the risk of an oral injury. Suspecting of having an underbite? Well then, do not hesitate at all and visit our dental clinic to get it fixed with Teeth Braces. Our orthodontists are more than qualified at aligning teeth into a perfect smile.

3. Open Bite

We have a little exercise for you – go in front of the mirror and smile wide. Do you see a gap between your lower and upper teeth which is noticeable? If that is so, yours is a case of an open bite. Patients that suffer from an open bite often find it difficult to speak and eat properly. Even more, they can have habits like tongue thrusting, which is embarrassing. Our team of orthodontists can fix your open bite and correct the smile with a dental treatment that involves metal braces, Invisalign aligners, lingual braces, or ceramic braces.

4. Spacing

Are your teeth spaced irregularly or create wide gaps between the smile? This can result in teeth being smaller in comparison with the rest of your mouth and even missing teeth. We at Dental Aesthetics can help you regain your smile if there is spacing between the teeth. Even though closing these wide gaps looks like a cosmetic issue, getting them fixed with Dental Braces does not only improves the smile but also safeguards oral health. And, if you leave the gap as it is, food particles will get stuck between teeth and gums – causing cavities, bad breath, and countless other dental problems.

5. Crowding

One of the most common reasons to get braces is crowding. If it looks like there is not enough room for all your teeth in the mouth, you are suffering from a crowding issue. It leads to the teeth overlapping each other, which on fixing do wonders towards enhancing the appearance of a smile. Besides, getting crowding corrected also helps with avoiding cavities and reducing plaque buildup. Once the teeth are straightened with braces, plaque and tartar will not build up, giving you healthier teeth.

What Type Of Braces Can You Get?

Mainly, there are four different types of orthodontic treatment options that we provide to patients at Dental Aesthetics. Depending on your oral health and teeth condition, we might fix them with one of the following:

  • Fixed Braces – also known as metal braces, these are the most common type that involves applying braces on the teeth with metal wired and elastic ties. While they are fixed, adjustments are still made to the wires after every four to eight weeks.
  • Ceramic Braces – made of clear material that is tooth-coloured, these braces work the same as metal braces. However, they are less visible, more discrete, and an affordable treatment option.
  • Lingual Braces – placed behind the teeth and not on the front, lingual braces are popular among those who are conscious about the appearance of their smile. They are customizable, fully invisible, and quite effective.
  • Clear Aligners – removable and transparent, clear aligners are an effective treatment option for patients with mild to moderately misaligned teeth, gaps between teeth, and jaw alignment problems.

What Are The Alternative To The Traditional Fixed Braces?

Mostly, the teens and youngsters are conscious about how they would look wearing the wires and brackets after getting fixed braces. For them, we have a modern treatment option mentioned above – Invisalign/Clear Aligners. Just like the name says, they are completely invisible and fit on the teeth perfectly.

Only slight pressure is exerted on the teeth to move them slowly to an aligned position. Not even the alignment but even bite issues like underbite and overbite are also treatable with aligners. So, if you have been hushing the idea of getting your teeth fixed because of the pain and appearance of braces, we have your concern sorted.

Book Your Appointment TODAY!

The orthodontists at Dental Aesthetics are always ready to fix crooked and misaligned teeth for patients. If you want the Best Orthodontist in Lahore to fix yours and know which type of braces are your treatment option, book an appointment with us TODAY.



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