Broken Jaw/Face Bone Fracture Treatment in Lahore, Pakistan
Facial or Jawbone Fractures are common emergencies that require immediate care. The most common cause of facial fractures is roadside accidents, interpersonal violence or domestic violence, and industrial accidents as well as sports-related injuries. A team of specialist Maxillofacial Surgeons helps in the most modern way to deal with the trauma. Broken jaw, facial injury, or fracture terms are used when there is a breach in the bone due to trauma. Facial Fractures mostly occur due to direct impact or force to the face affecting jawbones, cheekbone, nasal bone, and forehead. We have a team of Maxillofacial Surgeons available at Dental Aesthetics for consultation and immediate care of any Facial trauma.

What Should You Know About It?
Fractures of the face are also named according to the bone involved, Mandible, Maxilla, Zygomatic, Orbital, and Nasal bone fractures. There is no age specification but according to research it mostly affects men more than women. Mostly men riding bikes without wearing helmets are most likely to have jaw fractures. This is very common to have jaw fractures in Pakistan while riding a bike without wearing a helmet.The most common features of the jaw or any facial bone fracture are pain around the jawbone, difficulty in mouth opening, inability to speak, difficulty in chewing, eating, and swallowing, discoloration of overlying skin, as well as swelling of the jaw, is common. The complications include bleeding, difficulty in breathing, numbness around the teeth or affected area, and mobile and unbalanced teeth not fitting properly with the opposing jaw. The Jaw may protrude forward with an inability to close.

Signs & Symptoms Of Jaw Fracture
The fracture may cause numbness of any specific region that could be due to nerve injury. Fracture of the cheekbone and forehead bone affects the base of the skull and eyes, which causes swelling and blackening of the eyeball & around the eyes; this may cause diplopia or double vision, face widening, and depression. A nasal bone fracture may also show the above-mentioned symptoms that may lead to functional and aesthetic problems.

Jaw Treatment
Jaw Fracture management depends on the condition of the patient's injury or the extent of the broken jaw. Fractures are managed according to mild, moderate, or severe displacement. There are stages of injury from mild to severe. The treatment protocol depends on the severity. A diagnosis is made on the clinical and radiographic evaluation. Patient visits to our dental practice at Dental Aesthetics or our consultant can make a visit to the patient for consultation. It is advised to contact the consultant at the earliest to avoid any complications.

Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgeon Prof Yaqoob Baig Mirza has been Dean of Dentistry for the last 4 decades. With his vast experience in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, with a team of Maxillofacial surgeons, Dr. Asim Naqash is also trained in maxillofacial surgery in Iran and qualified in Facial Aesthetics. Commonly used treatments involve surgically fixing the fractured bones and teeth at their original position with the help of wires titanium plates, and screws. The main reason for jaw fracture fixation with plates and screws is early recovery and return to normal routine for food intake and jaw movements like opening and closing of the jaw.

After Jaw Fracture Treatment
A patient can eat and chew with ease immediately with a gradual transition from a soft to a hard diet. Fractured bones normally heal within 6 weeks of surgery. After Surgery, regular follow-ups with the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon are required to ensure smooth and normal recovery. If untreated or neglected then it can cause widening or elongation of your face, unbalanced eyes, and improperly fitting teeth along with many other problems mentioned above. Dental Aesthetics well-experienced & qualified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, along with a trained team, will take care of any Accidental or Facial injury with complete rehabilitation.