Dentists For Nervous Patients In Lahore
A visit to a dentist causes anxiety to many people. If you are someone who feels nervous when visiting Dental Aesthetics for your treatment, be assured that our dentists are trained to provide a pleasant experience to every patient. We know and appreciate that dental phobia, or a fear of the dentist, is a very common anxiety that many of our patients experience. Dental Aesthetics takes pride in being the ideal Dentist Clinic for nervous patients as we can help you to feel comfortable and calm during our dental treatments. Alhumdulillah, with the experience of more than 1,200 operations in sedation among our dentists, you will be in safe hands.

Calming Nervous Patients
For some, dental care seems impossible due to the dread and anxiety caused by challenging or horrifying past dental experiences or the duration and complexities of certain dental procedures. If you feel nervous, scared, or uncomfortable when you get to the dentist’s practice, then you are not alone. There are ways to educate you about your dental procedure. Rest assured, there are ways to calm your nerves, especially if you are scared of even going to the dentist but still need and agree to dental treatment. At Dental Aesthetics, we care that you feel comfortable and confident during your visit with us. We recommend conscious sedation to provide the much-needed relief to undergo an oral health visit to overcome dental phobia, paving the way to achieve clinical success. You will never need to feel nervous visiting the dentist again, InshAllah.

Minimal Sedation
Does the idea of getting your teeth treated by a dentist make you nervous? Would you prefer enduring the pain of a toothache to stepping into a dental clinic? You are not alone, many people have a phobia of going to a dental clinic. To calm down nervous patients, at Dental Aesthetics, we use minimal sedation. This is often referred to as changing your mood. With this kind of sedative, patients feel calm, are responsive to verbal commands, and are totally unconcerned about dental treatment.

Conscious & Deep Sedation
Conscious sedation is where you are more deeply sedated, and you become drowsy and a tad bit sleepy (some may even sleep intermittently), but you are responsive to verbal commands, and feel calm. On the other hand, in deep sedation, you may become unconscious. This level of sedation is not allowed globally, for sedation outside the operating room in hospitals, and is not allowed in dental surgeries at all.

How Long Does Sedation Last?
Have no fear. The effects of the sedative will slowly wear off during the day. However, the sedation length depends on the treatment you undergo and the procedure. A recovery time of 20 to 30 minutes will be observed in our care before you are ready to get discharged. Mostly, patients recover from the sedation within 24 hours and return to their routine activities.

Recovery & Side Effects Of Sedation
Don’t worry, conscious sedation comes with a fast recovery time as compared to general anesthesia. Side effects are mild and rare as well. The most common effects include headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and sore throat. In fact, most of the patients recall feeling mild side effects and are quite satisfied with their experience of conscious sedation. So if you are concerned about the possible side effects of sedation, or possibly you are a nervous patient, please feel free to communicate your concerns with our Best Dentist in Lahore who will put you at ease.