Root planning for Removing Etiologic Events
One of the primary reasons behind root planning in Lahore is the removal of the etiologic agents. If not removed, these agents can cause inflammation in the gum tissue and the area around the bone. Removal of Dental plaque and calculus is the primary factor that helps in the treatment of root planning in Pakistan. Root planning cost depends on the extent to which the patient has to undergo the treatment. However, this procedure is non-surgical, which helps completely remove the causative factors and leads to healthy periodontium and is highly recommended for patients with periodontal disease.

What Should You Know About It?
One of the vital parts of our overall health is healthy teeth and gums. Root planning in Lahore by Dental Aesthetics aims to give personal attention and care to the requirements of each patient. Our dental team works hard to give you a healthier, germ-free mouth. The dentist will discuss with you the root planning cost and accordingly schedule the treatment over time. Don’t let small oral health issues spiral out of control to cause bigger problems for your well-being.

Affordable Root planning
We strongly believe in offering services that are affordable for our patients. There is no single way to determine the cost of root planning in Lahore. However, the costs depend on the amount of tartar and plaque present. Dental scaling becomes necessary when there is a plaque on root surfaces. Our expert dentist will examine your smile to determine and share an accurate cost estimate.

Root planning Procedure
People suffering from severe gum disease are advised to undergo scaling and root planning treatment. Before starting the treatment, the dentists at Dental Aesthetics use a periodontal probe for taking the radiographs. They confirm how severe the gum disease is and help the dentists plan the treatment. Moreover, the dentists also numb the area being treated with anaesthesia to reduce the discomfort of the patient during the treatment. Dental instruments called ultrasonic cleaners or curettes are used to remove the calculus and plaque buildup in the periodontal pockets of the patient. If required, the dentists may also perform a periodontal surgery that involves flipping the gums and exposing the tooth's root surface, therefore, allowing the dentists to clean it properly.

After Root planning Treatment
During the initial days after root planning treatment, it is common for the patient to experience slight discomfort and gum bleeding. However, it subsides away by maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, leading to healthy gums. Brushing twice a day and flossing play a major root in gum healing after the treatment, while smoking has to be quitted as it affects recovery. Overall, the whole treatment involves multiple visits to Dental Aesthetics, so while undergoing the treatment, make sure to follow the appointment schedule for quicker recovery.

Root planning Treatment Cost
The cost of root planning treatment varies for every patient. Factors that affect the cost include the technology that is used to perform the procedure on an individual patient, the frequency of the treatment, follow-up appointments, and the after-care. In case a patient is referred to a periodontist for an advanced dental procedure, it also adds to the cost. Hence, to know the overall treatment cost, consult with a dentist at Dental Aesthetics first.